
Hosting Your Own Online Bible School


Gospel Learning Center website home page Gospel Learning Center is a web-based online school service created for Seventh-day Adventist Church organizations and ministries, so that ministries can operate their own online school from within a webpage portal on their own website. To a student, it looks as if all the lessons and tutoring is processed through on the website of the ministry they are subscribed to.


The Gospel Learning Center service uses the best Internet technologies available, and is a general online learning envirnoment which can be used to offer Bible study courses, or other courses on a variety of related topics, for example healthful living, medical ministry, or any other type of topic. With this service, ministries can offer online courses to students anywhere in the world, in any language, and in any font, for example popular non-Roman fonts such as Arabic, Hindi, and Chinese.


The program offers full school management of students and courses with language translation done by approved volunteers. Local churches can register with the Gospel Learning Center to offer a variety of online schools operating through their own local church website. Ministries that have materials suitable for use in courses can now have a place to showcase their materials, whether at the beginning or advanced course level. These ministries can manage share agreements with other schools operating on the Gospel Learning Center System. Students taking the courses have a common place to locate their school and access the features offered through this unique online learning program.



Resource Data Management: This program contains the Library Management sections for online Books, Media content and Online Libraries. This provides resources that can be used or referenced in Courses for your school, shared with selected schools or available to all schools using this program.

Book Library:
The book library can hold any format of book, page matched with your published book. Books can be displayed in your website using the Book Portal page with links to purchase on your website. Books can also be used as textbooks or additional study references in school courses.

Media Library:
The media library handles non book text with video and / or audio links to your streaming content. Entries in this library can be used in course lessons and displayed in your website if desired in the Media Library portal.

Online Library:
This library provides a way to create links to your video or website page content on your server for use with school courses as additional study assignments.


All Book and Media library contents support language translation using the Language Translation Entry portion of this program. Source books may be entered in any language and translated by people to any other language. You manage your content for share permissions, translation and publication.


School Administration:
This is where the schools can be operated and courses created. The school manager may create logon accounts for the school staff and handle all operations in managing the school.

Those who wish to start a full operating school, I am offering school set up and content creation to be free of the monthly support fee until students can start taking the courses.

School Setup:

Schools may be set up in one of two ways:

  1. Full operation school with students.
  2. Resource only School in which courses and resources are intended to be shared with other full operation schools. This option allows course content authors not affiliated with any specific school, to have a place to create courses and Library resources that can be shared with other schools in the GLC program. This maintains your copyright and allows share permissions to be applied. School will not have any student access. This option is free!


Language Translation:
Current supported tasks are:

    1. GLC Web Pages – The School Administration and student access pages can be translated into other languages so schools do not have to be operated only in English.

    2. Book Library – Translation of any books opened for translation.

For more information, please visit the Gospel Learning Center website. 






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